Trevor is a 32 year veteran of the Fire Service and the proud Owner of Strike The Box Training, LLC. Trevor is the Chief of Palm Beach Shores Fire Department. He retired as a Career Captain (Battalion Chief) with the Ocean City (MD) Fire Department where he served as the Commander of the Office of Training, Health & Safety, City-wide Shift Commander, and Head of the Special Operations section for the Department. He has served a Career officer since 1999 and has developed many of the Special Operations Teams and Training programs, including the Dive Rescue Unit, HEAT Team, SCBA Re-certification program, a State recognized Fire Training Academy, Recruit testing, the Office of Training, Health & Safety, and a variety of internal programs and drills. He also served as a volunteer firefighter, holding a variety of administrative, committee, and operational positions including several years as an Assistant Chief. Trevor has had the privilege of traveling to departments all over the U.S. to instruct, consult, or speak. He was deployed as a Team Leader (Operation Lifeline) during Hurricane Katrina and served at the request of a neighboring State on their Incident Management Team in the wake of a LODD. Trevor is a founding member and past President of the Ocean City FOOLS (Alpha Chapter) and strongly believes in the traditions, training, and brotherhood of the Fire Service. He says that many great people have mentored and taught him during his fire service career. Therefore, he feels that it is his obligation as a firefighter and instructor to share the knowledge that was passed along to him with his brother and sister firefighters.